Need structure? Want to find camaraderie? Tired of writing in solitude? Join our virtual office space. At TPR someone is always in the cubicle next to you.

Here's how the practice room works:


At the given date and time (weekly schedule posted below), meet at post 1. It appears 30 minutes in advance of the hour (barring unusual circumstances), giving us a chance to set our goals in the comments. Declare your goal. Work toward furthering your project; word counting, revision, or whatever it needs - you decide.

Post 2: WE ARE UNPLUGGED! announces our hour. During that time, we write! The rules: no procrastinations. Please feel free to make tea or stand on your head as needed.

When the time is up, Post 3 appears with a chat box and we will get a chance to converse, or you can comment old-style to tell us what you got done! We are dying to know!

Read about a typical first time here. I make the schedule every Sunday. It will remain up in the side bar until I post the next week's schedule (feel free to make requests for particular times in the comments - I take them into serious consideration). All additions will be noted in in the side bar. Come back and check it often. (The schedule times are listed in Eastern Time Zone but the blog posts in Central - Tina's time zone. Our visitors are from all over the map.)

Please email me with questions, comments, or just to introduce yourself! tina dot laurel at gmail dot com

Don't forget to sign the guestbook at the bottom of the page!

Guestbook Bios!

The links and bios of your TPR Friends TPRers with most longevity on the bottom, newest at the top. If you have never filled out the guest book, you are not on this list. It is not too late! You must have used TPR to be on this list. Edit this bio at anytime by re-submitting to the guest list (or email Tina)! WELCOME EVERYONE!!!!

Amy Christine Parker

I'm currently writing full time from home when I'm not making meals,carpooling, doing laundry and all sorts of other mom type activities. I live for massages, but never actually find time to get them. I travel whenever possible. Interesting facts about me: I've been a fondue waitress and a doll maker. I once traveled to college in a U Haul-with four boys. I gave up cheerleading in high school to be in the spring play...because it was Fame that year. If you grew up anywhere near the eighties, 'nough said you know where I'm coming from. I once had a hedgehog as a pet. I most like writing about all things paranormal, creepy, and/or dystopian.

Anna Staniszewski

I live and work in the Boston area. I write. I teach. I eat way too much chocolate.

Amaris Glass

I am a girl and a pirate and I love fairy tales. I write YA and there's never any electricity in my stories, but there's always some kind of magic. Marisa brought me here and I should really go thank her; I feel like this will end up being immensely profitable for my writing. So...hi!

Brandy Hoskins

I like Writing, Reading, Editing, Proofreading, Eating, Hiking, Camping, Fishing, Boating, Snowball fights, Hot Sauce...

  Maria Mainero

I'm a mom to a 4 year old boy and 6 year old girl. I've been creating stories my whole life, and have a slew of beginnings. Working towards my first ending. My current project is Young Adult, and I do have lots of ideas in that genre, since my "beginnings" go back to high school. I like sarcasm, humor, twisty romance and more. I use quotation marks and parenthesis way too much. Also a big fan of melodrama and excessive adverb use. My strengths are typing fast and daydreaming. I hope I can edit this bio later.


I have a BA in History. I write fantasy, historical romance, paranormal and occasionally historical mystery. I like history - in case you couldn't tell. currently reading: I'd know you anywhere by Laura Lippman.

  Amy McBay

Proud wife, mother of 2 precious kiddos, and lover of books (I swear my Hubz gets jealous of my Kindle.) 

  Dianne Salerni

Author of WE HEAR THE DEAD (Sourcebooks 2010), CAGED GRAVES (coming from Clarion) mother, wife, blogger, elementary school teacher, weekly host of TPR.  I offer first page critiques every month on my blog. I love emails, skiing, the Bahamas, ghost stories and gothic mysteries, hot tubbing and vodka martinis.


I write YA, mostly paranormal, sometimes not.

Marisa Hopkins
What to know about me... lets see. I like fairy tales. And cats. I have kids that are adorable little hellions. Writing fuels me each day, and equally drains me. And I am a hardcore TPR junkie.

Jonathon Arntson
I am always in need of motivation. When I am writing, I write about teens struggling to fit in and to stand out.

Kelly Polark
Poet, writer for children (middle grade and picture book), mother, concert goer, music lover.

Heather Kelly

I am writing MG, tween, and YA, from contemporary fantasies to dystopias. I love the TPR for the wonderful community it affords. :) Thanks T!

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