Need structure? Want to find camaraderie? Tired of writing in solitude? Join our virtual office space. At TPR someone is always in the cubicle next to you.

Here's how the practice room works:


At the given date and time (weekly schedule posted below), meet at post 1. It appears 30 minutes in advance of the hour (barring unusual circumstances), giving us a chance to set our goals in the comments. Declare your goal. Work toward furthering your project; word counting, revision, or whatever it needs - you decide.

Post 2: WE ARE UNPLUGGED! announces our hour. During that time, we write! The rules: no procrastinations. Please feel free to make tea or stand on your head as needed.

When the time is up, Post 3 appears with a chat box and we will get a chance to converse, or you can comment old-style to tell us what you got done! We are dying to know!

Read about a typical first time here. I make the schedule every Sunday. It will remain up in the side bar until I post the next week's schedule (feel free to make requests for particular times in the comments - I take them into serious consideration). All additions will be noted in in the side bar. Come back and check it often. (The schedule times are listed in Eastern Time Zone but the blog posts in Central - Tina's time zone. Our visitors are from all over the map.)

Please email me with questions, comments, or just to introduce yourself! tina dot laurel at gmail dot com

Don't forget to sign the guestbook at the bottom of the page!

Dec 30, 2010

Post 3:Reconvention!

Krystey Belle and Dianne discussed various sticking points in their current projects and suggested possible solutions for each other. Jon stopped by, and we were glad to have him back on board. We all look forward to good things in 2011.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Dec 17, 2010

Post 3: Reconvention!

So, do tell! What happened?

A chat box will  be here the first 1/2 hour after our unplug. Please sign up (I think you  will have to begin an account with Chatroll but it only takes a  second). After our chat I will remove the chat box and post the  highlights. For posterity's sake. If all else fails, please post your  report in the comments. If there is something I can fix I will do it as  quick as I can. And if you just prefer to do it the old school way, in  comments, that is fine too.

Krystey and Amy and myself. Last TPR for awhile. Have a great holiday!


Work on your writing from 11 -12 pm eastern. Meet back at post 3 for the chat.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 11 AM eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in comments.

Post 1: Unpluggage Canceled at 7:00 am eastern

Are you here with me? Leave a comment. Canceled

Dec 16, 2010

Post 3:Reconvention!

KrysteyBelle and Dianne were here. KB was outlining future revisions; Dianne was reading through completed revisions. During the chat, we discussed problem areas of KB's revisions and brainstormed solutions. Have a happy holiday, everyone!


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Post 3: Reconvention!

So, do tell! What happened?

A chat box will  be here the first 1/2 hour after our unplug. Please sign up (I think you  will have to begin an account with Chatroll but it only takes a  second). After our chat I will remove the chat box and post the  highlights. For posterity's sake. If all else fails, please post your  report in the comments. If there is something I can fix I will do it as  quick as I can. And if you just prefer to do it the old school way, in  comments, that is fine too.

Krystey, Marisa, Jon and myself: something about grabbing the moment by the horns and making it your bitch.


We are unplugged from 3 - 4:15 pm est. Meet back at the 3rd post for the chat.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 3 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in comments.

Post 3: Reconvention!

So, do tell! What happened?

A chat box will  be here the first 1/2 hour after our unplug. Please sign up (I think you  will have to begin an account with Chatroll but it only takes a  second). After our chat I will remove the chat box and post the  highlights. For posterity's sake. If all else fails, please post your  report in the comments. If there is something I can fix I will do it as  quick as I can. And if you just prefer to do it the old school way, in  comments, that is fine too.

Getting ready for my day. How about you?


Work on your writing from 7 - 8 eastern. Meet back at post 3 for the chat.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 7:00 am eastern

Are you here with me? Leave a comment.

Dec 15, 2010

Post 3: Reconvention!

So, do tell! What happened?

A chat box will  be here the first 1/2 hour after our unplug. Please sign up (I think you  will have to begin an account with Chatroll but it only takes a  second). After our chat I will remove the chat box and post the  highlights. For posterity's sake. If all else fails, please post your  report in the comments. If there is something I can fix I will do it as  quick as I can. And if you just prefer to do it the old school way, in  comments, that is fine too.

Have to finish up and get my kids up - busy day today as the world post snow returns to normal.


Work on your writing from 7 - 8 eastern. Meet back at post 3 for the chat.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 7:00 am eastern

Are you here with me? Leave a comment.

Dec 14, 2010

Post 3: Reconvention!

So, do tell! What happened?

A chat box will  be here the first 1/2 hour after our unplug. Please sign up (I think you  will have to begin an account with Chatroll but it only takes a  second). After our chat I will remove the chat box and post the  highlights. For posterity's sake. If all else fails, please post your  report in the comments. If there is something I can fix I will do it as  quick as I can. And if you just prefer to do it the old school way, in  comments, that is fine too.

Kay had a snow day and made it to TPR. We caught up on our projects and shared schedule stories. Great to see you, Kay.


Work on your writing from 7 - 8 eastern. Meet back at post 3 for the chat.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 7:00 am eastern

Are you here with me? Leave a comment.

Dec 13, 2010

Post 3: Reconvention!

Amy, Marisa, Krystey and myself. We mostly talked revision. But migraine, small child and homelessness came up. Oh also I sent my queries out.


Work on your writing from 4:30 - 5:30 eastern. Meet back at post 3 for the chat.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 4:30 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us below in the comments.

Post 3: Reconvention!

So, do tell! What happened?

A chat box will  be here the first 1/2 hour after our unplug. Please sign up (I think you  will have to begin an account with Chatroll but it only takes a  second). After our chat I will remove the chat box and post the  highlights. For posterity's sake. If all else fails, please post your  report in the comments. If there is something I can fix I will do it as  quick as I can. And if you just prefer to do it the old school way, in  comments, that is fine too.
Just me - I think. I forgot to come back and I was late.


Work on your writing from 7 - 8 eastern. Meet back at post 3 for the chat.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 7:00 am eastern

Are you here with me? Leave a comment.

Dec 12, 2010

Schedule for the Week Of Sunday, December 12th:

Last schedule before vacation. I won't be formally posting a schedule again until the new year(Sunday, January 2nd, 2011)! After this week, TPR takes a break (or at least I do - Marisa and Dianne, please host unplugs to your hearts' content).

So I declare this week: Set-Up-Your-Projects-for-the-New-Year week. Put in the writing while the writing is good.

Changes/additions will be in teal.

Monday, December 13th
7:00 am est
4:30 pm EST

Tuesday, December 14th
7:00 am EST
11:00 am EST

Wednesday, December 15th
7:00 am est

Thursday, December 16th
7:00 am EST
special extended unplug: 3pm - 4:15 (15 minutes longer time for better chatting purposes)
8 pm EST Dianne!

Friday, December 17th
7:00 am EST
11:00 am est

Dec 10, 2010

Post 3: Reconvention!

So, do tell! What happened?

A chat box will be here the first 1/2 hour after our unplug. Please sign up (I think you will have to begin an account with Chatroll but it only takes a second). After our chat I will remove the chat box and post the highlights. For posterity's sake. If all else fails, please post your report in the comments. If there is something I can fix I will do it as quick as I can. And if you just prefer to do it the old school way, in comments, that is fine too.

Amy and Marisa came! We talked about meeting up for coffee, driving, little leprechauns on phone books, and speeding tickets.


Meet you back at post three at 5:30 pm EST!

Post 1: Unpluggage begins at 4:30 pm (est)

WHOOOPS I'm posting late! Sorry!

What will you be doing during the hour?

Post 3: Reconvention!

So, do tell! What happened?

A chat box will  be here the first 1/2 hour after our unplug. Please sign up (I think you  will have to begin an account with Chatroll but it only takes a  second). After our chat I will remove the chat box and post the  highlights. For posterity's sake. If all else fails, please post your  report in the comments. If there is something I can fix I will do it as  quick as I can. And if you just prefer to do it the old school way, in  comments, that is fine too.

Amy, Marisa, Krystey and I. Krystey had a great idea to post all the links on a single page so folks could go back and easily find them. Off to do that.


Work on your writing from 11 - 12 eastern. Meet back at post 3 for the chat.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 11 AM eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments.

Post 3: Reconvention!

So, do tell! What happened?

A chat box will  be here the first 1/2 hour after our unplug. Please sign up (I think you  will have to begin an account with Chatroll but it only takes a  second). After our chat I will remove the chat box and post the  highlights. For posterity's sake. If all else fails, please post your  report in the comments. If there is something I can fix I will do it as  quick as I can. And if you just prefer to do it the old school way, in  comments, that is fine too.

Nobody here. Returning to work.


Work on your writing from 7 - 8 eastern. Meet back at post 3 for the chat.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 7:00 am eastern

Are you here with me? Let me know what you are working on?

Dec 9, 2010

Post 3:Reconvention!

KrysteyBelle and Dianne were here. (Jon appeared early on, but we didn't run into him at chat time.) We talked about our current revisions, agent queries, and trends in YA literature.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Post 3: Reconvention!

So, do tell! What happened?

A chat box will  be here the first 1/2 hour after our unplug. Please sign up (I think you  will have to begin an account with Chatroll but it only takes a  second). After our chat I will remove the chat box and post the  highlights. For posterity's sake. If all else fails, please post your  report in the comments. If there is something I can fix I will do it as  quick as I can. And if you just prefer to do it the old school way, in  comments, that is fine too.
Krystey, Marisa, Amy and myself -  writing, discipline and leaving the house.


Special extended work time from 3 - 4:15 est. Meet back at post 3 for the chat.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 3 PM eastern

Are you here with me? Let me know what you are working on in the comments.

Post 3: Reconvention!

So, do tell! What happened?

A chat box will  be here the first 1/2 hour after our unplug. Please sign up (I think you  will have to begin an account with Chatroll but it only takes a  second). After our chat I will remove the chat box and post the  highlights. For posterity's sake. If all else fails, please post your  report in the comments. If there is something I can fix I will do it as  quick as I can. And if you just prefer to do it the old school way, in  comments, that is fine too.

Still have plenty of work to do!


Work on your writing from 7 - 8 eastern. Meet back at post 3 for the chat.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 7:00 am eastern

Are you here with me? Let me know what you are working on?

Dec 8, 2010

Post 3: Reconvention!

So, do tell! What happened?

A chat box will be here the first 1/2 hour after our unplug. Please sign up (I think you will have to begin an account with Chatroll but it only takes a second). After our chat I will remove the chat box and post the highlights. For posterity's sake. If all else fails, please post your report in the comments. If there is something I can fix I will do it as quick as I can. And if you just prefer to do it the old school way, in comments, that is fine too.

Amy, Marisa and Tina, today!


Meet you at post three at 5:30 EST for a reconvention chat!

Post 1: Unpluggage begins at 4:30 pm (est)

List your goals for the hour in the comments!

Post 3: Reconvention!

So, do tell! What happened?

A chat box will  be here the first 1/2 hour after our unplug. Please sign up (I think you  will have to begin an account with Chatroll but it only takes a  second). After our chat I will remove the chat box and post the  highlights. For posterity's sake. If all else fails, please post your  report in the comments. If there is something I can fix I will do it as  quick as I can. And if you just prefer to do it the old school way, in  comments, that is fine too.

Amy - for a minute! Heather, Marisa and myself! We moaned about revision mostly.


We will work from 11 est until 12. Meet back at post 3 for the chat.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 11 am eastern

What will you be working on? Let me know in comments.

Post 3: Reconvention!

So, do tell! What happened?

A chat box will  be here the first 1/2 hour after our unplug. Please sign up (I think you  will have to begin an account with Chatroll but it only takes a  second). After our chat I will remove the chat box and post the  highlights. For posterity's sake. If all else fails, please post your  report in the comments. If there is something I can fix I will do it as  quick as I can. And if you just prefer to do it the old school way, in  comments, that is fine too.

Just me - back to working and getting up kids.


Work on your writing from 7 - 8 eastern. Meet back at post 3 for the chat.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 7:00 am eastern

Are you here with me? Let me know what you are working on?

Dec 7, 2010

Post 3: Reconvention!

So, do tell! What happened?

A chat box will be here the first 1/2 hour after our unplug. Please sign up (I think you will have to begin an account with Chatroll but it only takes a second). After our chat I will remove the chat box and post the highlights. For posterity's sake. If all else fails, please post your report in the comments. If there is something I can fix I will do it as quick as I can. And if you just prefer to do it the old school way, in comments, that is fine too.


Meet you back at post three in one hour! (5:50 pm EST)

Post 1: Unpluggage begins at 4:30 pm (est)

What will you be working on? Tell us in comments.

Post 3: Reconvention!

So, do tell! What happened?

A chat box will  be here the first 1/2 hour after our unplug. Please sign up (I think you  will have to begin an account with Chatroll but it only takes a  second). After our chat I will remove the chat box and post the  highlights. For posterity's sake. If all else fails, please post your  report in the comments. If there is something I can fix I will do it as  quick as I can. And if you just prefer to do it the old school way, in  comments, that is fine too.

Amy, Krystey, Marisa, and myself. We talked winter and the doldrums and superhero capes.


Work from 11 am est until 12 pm est. Meet back in post 3 for the chat.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 11 AM eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in comments.

Post 3: Reconvention!

So, do tell! What happened?

A chat box will  be here the first 1/2 hour after our unplug. Please sign up (I think you  will have to begin an account with Chatroll but it only takes a  second). After our chat I will remove the chat box and post the  highlights. For posterity's sake. If all else fails, please post your  report in the comments. If there is something I can fix I will do it as  quick as I can. And if you just prefer to do it the old school way, in  comments, that is fine too.

Just me.


Work on your writing from 7 - 8 eastern. Meet back at post 3 for the chat.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 7:00 am eastern

Are you here with me? Let me know what you are working on?

Dec 6, 2010

Post 3: Reconvention!

So, do tell! What happened?

A chat box will  be here the first 1/2 hour after our unplug. Please sign up (I think you  will have to begin an account with Chatroll but it only takes a  second). After our chat I will remove the chat box and post the  highlights. For posterity's sake. If all else fails, please post your  report in the comments. If there is something I can fix I will do it as  quick as I can. And if you just prefer to do it the old school way, in  comments, that is fine too.

Marisa, Amy and myself. We talked dreams, craziness, revision, epiphanies, mainly writing today.


Work on your writing from 4:30 - 5:30 eastern. Meet back at post 3 for the chat.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 4:30 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in comments.

Post 3: Reconvention!

Whoops no chat box today. Oh well, no matter - no one signed up anyway. Have a great day!


Work on your writing from 7 - 8 eastern. Meet back at post 3 for the chat.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 7:00 am eastern

Are you here with me? Let me know what you are working on?

Dec 5, 2010

Schedule for the Week Of Sunday, December 5th:


Changes/additions will be in teal.

Monday, December 6th
7:00 am est
4:30 pm EST

Tuesday, December 7th
7:00 am EST
11:00 am EST

Wednesday, December 8th
7:00 am est
11:00 am EST

Thursday, December 9th
7:00 am EST
special extended unplug: 3pm - 4:15 (15 minutes longer time for better chatting purposes)
8 pm EST ??? (Dianne, am I right that you wanted to continue on Thursdays?)

Friday, December 10th
7:00 am EST
11:00 am est

Dec 3, 2010

Post 3: Reconvention!

So, do tell! What happened? Did you complete your write goals this hour?

Pop into the chat box and say hello! Are you new to The Practice Room? We love meeting new writers, so don't be shy!

A chat box will  be here the first 1/2 hour after our unplug. Please sign up (I think you  will have to begin an account with Chatroll but it only takes a  second). After our chat I will remove the chat box and post the  highlights. For posterity's sake. If all else fails, please post your  report in the comments. If there is something I can fix I will do it as  quick as I can. And if you just prefer to do it the old school way, in  comments, that is fine too.
Quick chat with Heather, Krystey, Heather, and myself. Mostly critiquing.


Work from 11 am - 12 pm est. Meet back here in post 3 for the chat. Happy writing!

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 11 AM eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in comments.

Post 3: Reconvention!

So, do tell! What happened? Did you complete your write goals this hour?

Pop into the chat box and say hello! Are you new to The Practice Room? We love meeting new writers, so don't be shy!

A chat box will  be here the first 1/2 hour after our unplug. Please sign up (I think you  will have to begin an account with Chatroll but it only takes a  second). After our chat I will remove the chat box and post the  highlights. For posterity's sake. If all else fails, please post your  report in the comments. If there is something I can fix I will do it as  quick as I can. And if you just prefer to do it the old school way, in  comments, that is fine too.

Just me. Now back to work.


Work from 7 - 8 am est. Meet back here in post 3 for the chat. Happy writing!

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 7:00 am eastern

Tell me if you're here working - below in the comments.

Dec 2, 2010

Post 3:Reconvention!

KrysteyBelle, Marisa, Amy, and Dianne were here tonight. We chatted about outlines and struggling to get started. Why is that we only seem to get some steam going at the end of the unplug session? Krystey introduced us to the term plot bunnies -- those shiny ideas that bug you while you're trying to work on something else.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Post 3: Reconvention!

So, do tell! What happened? Did you complete your write goals this hour?

Pop into the chat box and say hello! Are you new to The Practice Room? We love meeting new writers, so don't be shy!

A chat box will  be here the first 1/2 hour after our unplug. Please sign up (I think you  will have to begin an account with Chatroll but it only takes a  second). After our chat I will remove the chat box and post the  highlights. For posterity's sake. If all else fails, please post your  report in the comments. If there is something I can fix I will do it as  quick as I can. And if you just prefer to do it the old school way, in  comments, that is fine too.

Amy, Krystey, Marisa, and myself. We all got something done even if it was only three words. 2 viewers.


Work from 3 - 4:15 pm est. Meet back here in post 3 for the chat. Happy extended writing time!

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 3pm eastern

From 3 pm est until 4:15 est is a special extended version of unplug time. Get something extra done or just pick up you kindergartner from the bus stop! Tell us what you will work on!

Post 3: Reconvention!

So, do tell! What happened? Did you complete your write goals this hour?

Pop into the chat box and say hello! Are you new to The Practice Room? We love meeting new writers, so don't be shy!

A chat box will  be here the first 1/2 hour after our unplug. Please sign up (I think you  will have to begin an account with Chatroll but it only takes a  second). After our chat I will remove the chat box and post the  highlights. For posterity's sake. If all else fails, please post your  report in the comments. If there is something I can fix I will do it as  quick as I can. And if you just prefer to do it the old school way, in  comments, that is fine too.

Chat?  Just me. Again.


Work from 7 - 8 am est. Meet back here in post 3 for the chat. Happy writing!

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 7:00 am eastern

Tell me if you're here working - below in the comments.

Dec 1, 2010

Post 3: Reconvention!

So, do tell! What happened? Did you complete your write goals this hour?

Pop into the chat box and say hello! Are you new to The Practice Room? We love meeting new writers, so don't be shy!

A chat box will  be here the first 1/2 hour after our unplug. Please sign up (I think you  will have to begin an account with Chatroll but it only takes a  second). After our chat I will remove the chat box and post the  highlights. For posterity's sake. If all else fails, please post your  report in the comments. If there is something I can fix I will do it as  quick as I can. And if you just prefer to do it the old school way, in  comments, that is fine too.

The chat: Amy, Marisa, and myself. 3 viewers. Discussed the sound of puff pastries, designing covers, and libraries amongst other things.


Work from 11am - 12pm est. Meet back here in post 3 for the chat. Happy writing!

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 11 AM eastern

Tell us what you will work on!

Post 3: Reconvention!

So, do tell! What happened? Did you complete your write goals this hour?

Pop into the chat box and say hello! Are you new to The Practice Room? We love meeting new writers, so don't be shy!

A chat box will  be here the first 1/2 hour after our unplug. Please sign up (I think you  will have to begin an account with Chatroll but it only takes a  second). After our chat I will remove the chat box and post the  highlights. For posterity's sake. If all else fails, please post your  report in the comments. If there is something I can fix I will do it as  quick as I can. And if you just prefer to do it the old school way, in  comments, that is fine too.

Chat: Just me!


Work from 7 - 8 am est. Meet back here in post 3 for the chat. Happy writing!

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 7:00 am eastern

Tell us what you will work on!