A chat box will be here the first 1/2 hour after our unplug. Please sign up (I think you will have to begin an account with Chatroll but it only takes a second). After our chat I will remove the chat box and post the highlights. For posterity's sake. If all else fails, please post your report in the comments. If there is something I can fix I will do it as quick as I can. And if you just prefer to do it the old school way, in comments, that is fine too.
The chat: Fangirls abound. Read the links below and you can be a fangirl too.
Marisa's first five: http://writeoncon.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=676
Krystey's ABNA entry: http://www.amazon.com/Spirit-World-Excerpt-Breakthrough-ebook/dp/B003CV7S54/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&m=AG56TWVU5XWC2&s=digital-text&qid=1280957002&sr=8-1