Here's how the practice room works:
At the given date and time (weekly schedule posted below), meet at post 1. It appears 30 minutes in advance of the hour (barring unusual circumstances), giving us a chance to set our goals in the comments. Declare your goal. Work toward furthering your project; word counting, revision, or whatever it needs - you decide.
Post 2: WE ARE UNPLUGGED! announces our hour. During that time, we write! The rules: no procrastinations. Please feel free to make tea or stand on your head as needed.
When the time is up, Post 3 appears with a chat box and we will get a chance to converse, or you can comment old-style to tell us what you got done! We are dying to know!
At the given date and time (weekly schedule posted below), meet at post 1. It appears 30 minutes in advance of the hour (barring unusual circumstances), giving us a chance to set our goals in the comments. Declare your goal. Work toward furthering your project; word counting, revision, or whatever it needs - you decide.
Post 2: WE ARE UNPLUGGED! announces our hour. During that time, we write! The rules: no procrastinations. Please feel free to make tea or stand on your head as needed.
When the time is up, Post 3 appears with a chat box and we will get a chance to converse, or you can comment old-style to tell us what you got done! We are dying to know!
Read about a typical first time here. I make the schedule every Sunday. It will remain up in the side bar until I post the next week's schedule (feel free to make requests for particular times in the comments - I take them into serious consideration). All additions will be noted in in the side bar. Come back and check it often. (The schedule times are listed in Eastern Time Zone but the blog posts in Central - Tina's time zone. Our visitors are from all over the map.)
Please email me with questions, comments, or just to introduce yourself! tina dot laurel at gmail dot com
Don't forget to sign the guestbook at the bottom of the page!
Jan 31, 2012
Post 3: Reconvention!
Amy, Anna, and myself with Maria showing up at the end. Lots of dialogue hints at the end...
The hour runs from 11 am est until noon. Meet back at post 3 for the chat.
Jan 30, 2012
Post 3:Reconvention!
Dianne, Krystey, Jon, Marcy, Maria, and Jen were here tonight. We talked about the word counts we got done, shared the points where we were stuck and some new ideas.
We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.
Post 3: Reconvention!
Amy, KB, Maria and myself. Blank middles and getting over big transitions in the draft.
The hour runs from 1 pm est until 2. Meet back here at post 3 for the chat.
Jan 29, 2012
Schedule for the week of Monday, January 29th
Monday, January 30th
7 am est
8 pm Dianne
1 pm est
Tuesday, January 31st
7 am est
11 am est
Wednesday, February 1st
7 am est
2 pm est
Thursday, February 2nd
7 am est
TH-TH CritChat always at 11 am est. Elsewhere. Email Amy if you have questions.
Impromptu in the afternoon?
Friday, February 3rd
7 am est
Jan 27, 2012
Jan 26, 2012
Jan 25, 2012
Jan 24, 2012
Schedule for the week of Sunday, December 21st
8 pm Dianne
Tuesday, January 24th
11 am est
Wednesday, January 25th
7 am est
Wednesday, January 25th
7 am est
Thursday, January 26th
7 am est
TH-TH CritChat always at 11 am est. Elsewhere. Email Amy if you have questions.
7 am est
TH-TH CritChat always at 11 am est. Elsewhere. Email Amy if you have questions.
Impromptu in the afternoon?
Friday, January 27th
7 am est
Probably a morning unplug, depends on the hubby...
Post 3: Reconvention number 2!
Maria, Marisa and myself. Lot's of negotiating work and work and play talk. Is writing and life work or play?
We will write some more!
We decided to continue and have a second reconvention chat at 1:30 eastern time zone. Continue with what you were working on and we shall see you in an hour!
Post 3: Reconvention!
We decided to meet again in another hour: Amy, Heather, Maria, Heather, Anna, Marisa, and myself. Meet at the next chat at 1:30 est!
The hour runs from 11 am est until noon. Meet back at post 3 for the chat!
Jan 23, 2012
Post 3:Reconvention!
We had a big crowd tonight and a newcomer: Dianne, KrysteyBelle, Jen, Maria, Amy Parker, Jon, and welcome, Stefanie! We did some introductions and sharing of our current projects.
We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.
Jan 20, 2012
Marisa, Amy, and Krystey stopped by to say hi. Anna and I ego-boosted each other to the moon, and it helped me to get my writing mojo going.
Jan 19, 2012
Jan 18, 2012
Post 3: Reconvention!
Amy, Amaris, Heather (who was distracted by a poor sick kiddo) and Jon came in to remind us of tonight's TPR
Post 1: Unpluggage begins at 11 am EST
What will you be working on today?
Jan 17, 2012
Post 3: Reconvention!
Chatroll was busted. Some of us found each other over at Gchat. I need to come up with some other option for this kind of thing. Any suggestions?
Jan 16, 2012
We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.
Post 3: Reconvention!
Lot of book talk today and a full house. Marisa, Maria, Krystey, Amy, Sheri stopped in.
Jan 15, 2012
Schedule for the Week of Sunday, January 15th.
Monday, January 16th: Martin Luther King Day
10 am EST
8 pm Dianne
Tuesday, January 17th
7 am est
11 am est
Wednesday, January 18th
7 am est
2 pm est
Thursday, January 19th
7 am est
TH-TH CritChat always at 11 am est. Elsewhere. Email Amy if you have questions.
Friday, January 20th
7 am est
Next schedule won't be posted until Monday, January 22nd.
Dianne will host the usual Monday at 8 pm est.
Anyone want to throw in a daytime one?
10 am EST
8 pm Dianne
Tuesday, January 17th
7 am est
11 am est
Wednesday, January 18th
7 am est
2 pm est
Thursday, January 19th
7 am est
TH-TH CritChat always at 11 am est. Elsewhere. Email Amy if you have questions.
Friday, January 20th
7 am est
Next schedule won't be posted until Monday, January 22nd.
Dianne will host the usual Monday at 8 pm est.
Anyone want to throw in a daytime one?
Jan 13, 2012
Jan 12, 2012
Jan 11, 2012
Post 1: Unpluggage begins at 11 am EST
What will you be working on today?
Jan 10, 2012
Post 3: Reconvention!
Heather, KB, Marisa and Maria and myself. We talked being sucked in. Everyone was jealous of Heather. Dialogue. Talk of dialogue. And hardness easiness and how one line can change everything.
Post 3: Reconvene
So, do tell! What happened? A chat box will be here the first 1/2 hour after our unplug. Please sign up (I think you will have to begin an account with Chatroll but it only takes a second). After our chat I will remove the chat box and post the highlights. For posterity's sake. If all else fails, please post your report in the comments. If there is something I can fix I will do it as quick as I can. And if you just prefer to do it the old school way, in comments, that is fine too.
Post 2: Unplug Until 10am EST
Turn off gchat. Silence twitter. It'll all be here when you get back! Write for an hour, and let's see how much we can get done!
Thanks for joining me!
Thanks for joining me!
Post 1: Unplug will begin @ 9:00 est
Oops. Thought I was hosting later! Let me know what you're working on!! Better late than never!
The hour goes from 7 am est until 8 am. Let me know if you will be meeting me for chat.
Jan 9, 2012
Post 3:Reconvention!
So, do tell! What happened?
A chat box will be here the first 1/2 hour after our unplug. Please sign up (I think you will have to begin an account with Chatroll but it only takes a second). After our chat I will remove the chat box and post the highlights. For posterity's sake. If all else fails, please post your report in the comments. If there is something I can fix I will do it as quick as I can. And if you just prefer to do it the old school way, in comments, that is fine too.
We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.
Post 3:Reconvention!
Heather, Amy, Marisa, Maria and myself. Full house. Scene and Sequel and process.
The hour runs from 11 am est until noon. Meet back at post 3 for the chat.
Jan 8, 2012
Schedule for the Week of Sunday, January 8th
Monday, January 9th
7 am est
11 am est
8 pm Dianne
Tuesday, January 10th
7 am est
12 pm est
Wednesday, January 11th
7 am est
Thursday, January 12th
7 am est
TH-TH CritChat always at 11 am est. Elsewhere. Email Amy if you have questions.
Friday, January 13th
7 am est
Jan 6, 2012
Post 3: Reconvention
Just me! I fixed a few things, but my kiddo wanted this to be entertainment hour, so I was distracted.
Post 1: Unpluggage begins at 11am EST
What will you be working on? Set your goal in the comments.
Jan 5, 2012
Jan 4, 2012
Post 3: Reconvention!
Chatroll stopped working for me. But Heather, Maria, KB were all there ready to pick up there drafts and get to work. GOOD MORNING everyone.
Jan 3, 2012
Post 3: Reconvene
Welcome! I'm so glad you stopped by. If this is your first time, you might need to take a moment to sign in to chatroll. Don't worry, we'll still be here when you get back. Now, tell us, how did your hour of writing go?
Post 2: Unplug Until 10am est
Hello! Everyone has unplugged now to go and write! Here in the 3rd blog post, there will be a chat room at 10am est. Come, sign in, and join in the chat. We talk about writing, and everything else under the sun. Everyone is welcome!
Post 1: Unplug will begin @ 9:00 est
Happy New Year! Let's sit our butts down in the chair and write! See you at 10!
Jan 2, 2012
Post 3:Reconvention!
Tonight we had Marcy, KrysteyBelle, Maria, Amy, Jen, and Dianne. We talked about our progress tonight, queries, whether or not it was good to read while drafting a new story, and shiny new ideas.
We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.
Schedule for the Week of Sunday, January 1st - NEW YEARS!!
Happy New Year!
My kids are home from school one more week, so the schedule is up in the air right now, but I scheduled some morning hours (not quite as early) and Heather put one on Tuesday and we will see what other kind of surprises arrive with this baby of a year. Happy Birthday 2012!!!! And has JaNo begun???? We need to get our writing year started.
Monday, January 2nd
8pm est Dianne
Tuesday, January 3rd
9am est Heather
Wednesday, January 4th
8 am est
Thursday, January 5th
8 am est
Th- Th. Crit always at 11 am est. Held elsewhere. Email Amy if you are interested in details. Read about it here.
Friday, January 6th
8 am est
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