Need structure? Want to find camaraderie? Tired of writing in solitude? Join our virtual office space. At TPR someone is always in the cubicle next to you.

Here's how the practice room works:


At the given date and time (weekly schedule posted below), meet at post 1. It appears 30 minutes in advance of the hour (barring unusual circumstances), giving us a chance to set our goals in the comments. Declare your goal. Work toward furthering your project; word counting, revision, or whatever it needs - you decide.

Post 2: WE ARE UNPLUGGED! announces our hour. During that time, we write! The rules: no procrastinations. Please feel free to make tea or stand on your head as needed.

When the time is up, Post 3 appears with a chat box and we will get a chance to converse, or you can comment old-style to tell us what you got done! We are dying to know!

Read about a typical first time here. I make the schedule every Sunday. It will remain up in the side bar until I post the next week's schedule (feel free to make requests for particular times in the comments - I take them into serious consideration). All additions will be noted in in the side bar. Come back and check it often. (The schedule times are listed in Eastern Time Zone but the blog posts in Central - Tina's time zone. Our visitors are from all over the map.)

Please email me with questions, comments, or just to introduce yourself! tina dot laurel at gmail dot com

Don't forget to sign the guestbook at the bottom of the page!

May 28, 2012

Post 3:Reconvention!

Maria, KrysteyBelle, and Dianne were present. Maria finished her first draft!! KB received feedback from an agent after a workshop. Dianne is counting down until the school year is finished.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Schedule for the week of Sunday, May 28th

I take requests! For now I am really cutting back on TPR hours, but let me know what and when you want - we can work something out!

Monday, May 28th: Memorial Day
8 pm est Dianne

Wednesday, May 29th
3 pm est

Thursday, May 31th
12 pm est. Th-Th CritChat. Email if you have questions.

May 20, 2012

Schedule for the week of Sunday, May 20th

As of right now I have only a Monday and a Thursday hour scheduled. But I take requests! As there is a lot of unavailability of the regulars over the next couple weeks, I am going to experiment with slowing down around here. (Krystey, I know you are available. Let me know times and frequency that you like and we can talk...)

Monday, May 21st
1 pm est
8 pm Dianne

Thursday, May 24th
11 am est
No Th-Th this week. It will resume as normal next week. (Amaris, you're up.)

May 14, 2012

Post 3:Reconvention! (

KrysteyBelle, Marcy, and Dianne were present. We talked about our WIPs, self-publishing options, titles, and where we'd like to go on vacation.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

My daughter's orchestra concert is this evening. I might not be back in time for check-in, but I'll definitely be here for the chat.

Post 3: Reconvention!

KB, Maria and myself. We discussed the Emotion Thesaurus among other things.


The hour runs from 1 pm est until 2 pm est. Meet at post 3 for the chat.

Post 1: Unplug begins at 1 pm est

What will you be working on? Let us know in comments.

Post 3: Reconvention!

Just me.


Let me know if you will meet me at chat!

Post 1: Unplug begins at 7 am est

Let me know if you are here working with me.

May 13, 2012

Schedule for the week of Mother's Day 2012

I declare it Mother's week. Make a little writing time for yourself, okay? You deserve it after all the hard work you do. My hours are as follows - you want to join me? Or join Dianne on Monday!

Monday, May 14th

7 am est
1 est
8 pm Dianne

Tuesday, May 15th
7 am est
1 pm est

Wednesday, May 16th
7 am est
This week the Th-Th is at 2:30 pm est. Questions about Th-Th? Contact Amy.

Thursday, May 17th
7 am est
11 am est

Friday, May 18th
7 am est

May 7, 2012

Post 3:Reconvention!

KrysteyBelle, Maria, and Dianne were here. We discussed our latest projects.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Post 3: Reconvention!

So, do tell! What happened?

A chat box will  be here the first 1/2 hour after our unplug. Please sign up (I think you  will have to begin an account with Chatroll but it only takes a  second). After our chat I will remove the chat box and post the  highlights. For posterity's sake. If all else fails, please post your  report in the comments. If there is something I can fix I will do it as  quick as I can. And if you just prefer to do it the old school way, in  comments, that is fine too.


The hour goes from 1 pm est until 2 pm est. Meet back at post 3 for the chat.

Post 1: Unplug begins at 1 pm est

What will you be working on? Let us know in comments.

Schedule for the Week of Sunday May 6th

Monday, May 7th
1 est
8 pm Dianne

Tuesday, May 8th
7 am est
1 pm est

Wednesday, May 9th
7 am est
Special extended 3 - 4:15 pm est

Thursday, May 10th
7 am est
Our regular Th-Th critchat is at 12 pm est. Questions about Th-Th? Contact Amy.

Impromptu unplug after?

Friday, May 11th
7 am est

May 6, 2012


Tomorrow I will post the week's schedule. My kids are home from school and I am taking it easy in the morning. For now, let's plan on a unplug from 1 pm est until 2. See you then.