Need structure? Want to find camaraderie? Tired of writing in solitude? Join our virtual office space. At TPR someone is always in the cubicle next to you.

Here's how the practice room works:


At the given date and time (weekly schedule posted below), meet at post 1. It appears 30 minutes in advance of the hour (barring unusual circumstances), giving us a chance to set our goals in the comments. Declare your goal. Work toward furthering your project; word counting, revision, or whatever it needs - you decide.

Post 2: WE ARE UNPLUGGED! announces our hour. During that time, we write! The rules: no procrastinations. Please feel free to make tea or stand on your head as needed.

When the time is up, Post 3 appears with a chat box and we will get a chance to converse, or you can comment old-style to tell us what you got done! We are dying to know!

Read about a typical first time here. I make the schedule every Sunday. It will remain up in the side bar until I post the next week's schedule (feel free to make requests for particular times in the comments - I take them into serious consideration). All additions will be noted in in the side bar. Come back and check it often. (The schedule times are listed in Eastern Time Zone but the blog posts in Central - Tina's time zone. Our visitors are from all over the map.)

Please email me with questions, comments, or just to introduce yourself! tina dot laurel at gmail dot com

Don't forget to sign the guestbook at the bottom of the page!

Dec 30, 2013

Post 3: Reconvention!

Krystalyn, Marcy, Joanne, and Dianne were here tonight. We shared what we were working on, exchanged some ideas and some links.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Dec 16, 2013

Post 3: Reconvention!

Krystalyn, Marcy, Maria, Joanne, and Dianne were here tonight. Many of us are finding it hard to write during the holidays. We talked about cover flap copies and if their accuracy affects what we think of the book. We talked about next week. There will be TPR, but attendance might be thin.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Dec 9, 2013

Post 3: Reconvention!

Krystalyn, Marcy, Maria, and Dianne were present. We talked about our current projects, our time sucks, and our current strategies for getting done what we need to get done.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Gabbey has a string quartet event early this evening. I expect to be back by 7:30 pm, but if you don't see me post "hello" before the Unplug, it just means I'm running a little later than planned.

Dec 2, 2013

Post 3: Reconvention!

Krystalyn, Maria, and Dianne were here. We talked about what we got done tonight, revisions, sales ranking, and etc.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Dec 1, 2013

Week of December 1st

The usual week.
Dianne on Monday night.
Th-Th on Thursday. Maria is up, right?

Nov 25, 2013

Post 3: Reconvention!

Krystalyn and Maria were here, discussing their writing progress tonight, and Maria's progress in NaNo this month. Go, Maria! Go!


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

P.S. Dianne won't be here tonight. She's at parent-teacher conferences, wishing she were here with YOUUUUUUUU!

Krystalyn will lead the chat. Yay, Krystalyn!

Nov 24, 2013

The Week of Sunday November 24th

No Th-Th this week due to Thanksgiving. I am thankful for my critters. They totally help me see the things that I need to see. The words come to me better with out my own pressure upon them, and so the fact that they are illing to come in and tell me when my wording is lazy helps so much. I should know by now that the first sentance should always be questioned. But I don't. It takes me a long time to learn things.

Dianne and her fabulous crew is on Monday night at 8.

Last week of Nano - write your herat out!

Nov 18, 2013

Post 3: Reconvention!

We had a big group here tonight: Krystalyn, Maria, Marcy, Joanne, Christine, and Dianne. We discussed NaNo, outlining, Scrivener, Document Maps, first drafts, and revision.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Nov 17, 2013

Week of November 17th

The revision is going well and I have reworked the order of my stories. It felt a bit intuitive even. As a consequence, my plan is to not work on any of the new stories but try to revise through all of the novella.

Th-Th is me. I will submit a short story from the novella.
Monday Dinne and gang will be here.

Nov 11, 2013

Post 3: Reconvention!

Krystalyn, Marcy, Maria, and Dianne were present. We talked about writing place holders, rearranging material, rejection, insecurity, and NaNo.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Nov 10, 2013

Week of November 10th

We are writing for NaNo during the day on Thursday. Amy thinks it would be a good idea. :)
Dianne will be here tomorrow night.
Email with questions.

Nov 4, 2013

Post 3: Reconvention!

Krystalyn, Maria, Marcy, Joanne, and Dianne were here. We talked about our accomplishments tonight, NaNo, first drafts and muses -- and planes, trains, and automobiles.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Nov 3, 2013

Week of November 3

NaNo has begun. Dianne hosts Monday night. Marisa is up for Th-Th. This is the beginning of the rest of our writing life. How do you want to spend it?

My own plan is to draft a story a week and I have so many of them in mind. I have a new vein of writing. And these images keep coming to me. I don't know where they belong in the world nor if I am brave enough to put it out there, but I have a need and where there is a will there is a way. Initially I was thinking I would do four of those for NaNo. But the recent messages I have been receiving from beyond (you know how realizations come), have been in the form of this novella I have to pull together.  Therefore my drafting plan must include those stories.

4 short stories this month, 2 to end that crazy novella I have been working on and 2 to set out on this crazy new direction I am taking. I think I have the wherewithal to finish the one. And beginning the other? Well that is the easy part.

Oct 28, 2013

Post 3: Reconvention!

Krystalyn, Maria, and Dianne were present. Krystalyn is pantstering a sequel, Maria is working on a sweet romance, and Dianne is taking a break after turning in a revision. We all chatted about our current concerns.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Oct 27, 2013

Week of October 27th

This week for Th-Th, Maria submits. She says she will have it in by tomorrow pm at mid-night. I admire her strict deadlining.

Diane and crew tomorrow night.

Please email if you have questions about any of the above.

Brainpickings has a great 7 year birthday post with the 7 most important things Maria Popova learned. I think the list is brilliant, especially after my musings during my sleepless night last night. I may post about it over on my blog blog. :) But I haven't got there yet so who's to know. Practice-wise my goal is to do my best to be willing to change my mind and willing to do the work of changing other peoples minds - through fiction and otherwise.

xo Thanks for being here.

Oct 21, 2013

Post 3: Reconvention!

We started out with major Chatroll problems, but eventually Krystalyn, Joanne, Maria, and Dianne got on chat. Marcy valiantly tried, but said, "The heck with this. I'm going to bed." We chatted about our various projects, about giving up or not giving up, and then Chatroll shut down and gave us the UNHAPPY FACE icon. We were done for the night.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Post 1: Unplug at 2 pm est

What will you be working on? Let us know in comments.

Oct 20, 2013

Week of October 20th

I submit to Th-Th by Tuesday. We meet Thursday at 11:00 am est (email me with questions).

Dianne's group tomorrow at 8pm eastern.

 I will try an afternoon hour of unplug this week. How about starting with Monday at 1 pm central, 2 pm eastern? Setting the posts now, hope I see you there.

 There is this TedTalk about fear and storytelling. I want you to watch this and think about how this relates to your writing life.

Can you consider the stories that you tell yourself about your writing life? Both best case scenarios and worse case scenarios. Can you consider those fear stories as the stuff of fiction, the stuff of make-believe, the stuff of story telling? If you were to do that, you would gain the distance of perspective and you could let those stories spin all the way to their hair-raising ends. You might save your own life.

Oct 14, 2013

Post 3: Reconvention!

Krystalyn, Maria, and Dianne were here. We talked mostly about revision, sequencing, and cutting darlings.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Oct 13, 2013

Week of October 13th

Amy submits to th-th, Thursday at 11:00 am est (email me with questions). Diane tomorrow at 8.

So I have a been doing an email round robin with my studio people and in the process of establishing the practice time for them, it has become very important to me. It has become my way of keeping a journal. Last week based on something I read on (I think - now I cannot find it), I decided I should be reviewing my entries in a more orderly fashion. That is one of the biggest failings in my writing life, an orderly process of reviewing and discovering the worth of what I wrote - not only the worth of it but the development of it. Recognizing that there is growth over time despite the fact that I have very little traditional product to show for myself.

The process as it stands: I review and collect my disparate entries on Sunday (accomplished today for the 2nd week in a row. Hooray!). Morning drafting of any sort for 1 hour and an afternoon hour of revision.

I'm good at telling myself why all the other things in my life are more important, this week I will practice reminding how this plays into "best case scenario." More of that later.

Anyone want to join for an afternoon hour of productivity? Email me and we can get it on the TPR schedule...

Oct 7, 2013

Post 3: Reconvention!

Maria, Krystaly, Marcy, and Dianne were here. We talked about revisions, word count, and planning stories in a trilogy.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Oct 6, 2013

Week of October 6th

Marisa submits to Th-Th. Dianne unplugs on Monday.

I am committed to examining my writing and reading life this week. Or more accurately examine the part of myself that resists it. I will let you know what I find next week.

Sep 30, 2013

Post 3: Reconvention!

Maria, Marcy, and Dianne were present. Maria was working on brainstorming and critiquing, Marcy was revising, and Dianne was proof-reading.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Sep 29, 2013

Week of 9/30/13

I am finally winding up my novella draft. We finally had a daytime unplug last week in the place of the critchat. This week Maria is up and I am enjoying reading all this writing again. Hope your work is going well too!

Sep 25, 2013

Unplug with us tomorrow (9/26/13)!

Instead of our critchat, we are unplugging together at 1 pm central/2 pm est. Come join us.

Sep 23, 2013

Post 3: Reconvention!

Krystalyn, Marcy, Maria, Christine, and Dianne were present. Many of us were working on revisions or editing at various stages. Christine was working on queries.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Sep 22, 2013

Week of 9/22/13

Last week Th-Th (our on-line crit group) resumed to it's cycle of writing and responding and tomorrow it is my turn to submit. We meet on Thursdays and have chats about each other's work. Often followed by writing. Tomorrow Diane hosts a TPR at 7. It's often when my family is just gathering together from their daily toils or I would be a regular along with you all. If my days were chaotic in the old house, they are even more so in the new...

Sep 16, 2013

Post 3: Reconvention!

Maria, Krystalyn, and Dianne were here tonight. Krystalyn and Maria are revising; Dianne was planning. We talked about book promotions and writing reviews.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Sep 15, 2013

Week of Sunday, September 15th, 2013

I wrote about the tree a bit on my blog, you can read it over there. Today I spent way too much time researching the history of my house. But I found out some stuff. The first owners, JB Sutherland and his wife, Myra Lee, were members of the historical society, there is a picture of her there taken by the Lee brothers. The house was designed by William M. Kenyon, a "notable" Minneapolis architect. Eventually I found it listed on a spread sheet made by researcher Anders Christensen, turns out he collects info on builder Theron Potter Healy. Once I got started I couldn't stop. I would have been better served writing and reading - I really have so much I "should" get done. But it was fun!

This week, Monday with Dianne and Thursday with Th-Th, right?


Sep 9, 2013

Post 3: Reconvention!

Christine, Marcy, Krystalyn, and Dianne were here. All of us were revising and editing tonight.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Sep 8, 2013

What's the schedule and what is Tina doing?

Hey, everybody who still comes around here!

I thought I'd let you know what is going on with me! I moved to a new house in order to move in with my extended family (it is an enormous barn shaped tri-plex/mansion and we are in the process of making a life together. It has stripped me of all infrastructure and therefore regularity. But luckily Dianne continues to hold her Monday evening unplugs and Th-Th will begin again on Thursday the 19th. This week I will attempt to carve some writing time out of driving my kids across town to the old neighborhood and contacting window contractors in order to winterize this place. There she is:

I will tell you about the tree falling down in a later post...

Sep 2, 2013

Aug 26, 2013

Post 3: Reconvention!

We had a big crowd tonight! KrysteyBelle, Marisa, Joanne, Maria, Marcy, and Dianne were present. We talked about Marcy's new, secret title, revisions and taking a break, working on multiple projects, and changing from YA to MG.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Aug 19, 2013

Post 3: Reconvention!

Krystalyn, Maria, Marcy, Joanne, and Dianne were all present tonight. We talked about our WIPs and the sad lack of independent book stores.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Aug 5, 2013

Post 3: Reconvention!

Krystalyn, Maria, and Dianne were present tonight. No TPR next Monday.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Jul 29, 2013

Post 3: Reconvention!

Marcy, Krystalyn, Marisa, Maria, and Dianne were here tonight. We talked about the status of our projects.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

If you don't see me at check-in, it's because I'm over at my sister-in-law's, giving insulin to one cat and thyroid medicine to another. But I'll be back for the unplug.

Jul 22, 2013

Post 3: Reconvention!

Tonight we had Maria, Marisa, Kate, Marcy, Krystalyn, and Dianne. Not all of us had a chance to write before the chat -- some of us were planning to write afterwards. But all of us are making progress!


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

NOTE: I will not be here for check-in and will probably miss part of the unplug. But I will be home to lead the chat at 9pm EST.

Jul 15, 2013

Post 3:Reconvention!

We had a big group tonight! Marcy, Krystalyn, Christine, Joanne, and Dianne were here, discussing our summer writing schedules, famous writers, revisions, and etc.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Jul 8, 2013

Post 3: Reconvention!

Maria, Marcy, Dianne, and first-timer, Joanne were here tonight. We talked about how to jumpstart  a manuscript you were starting to hate and brainstormed titles with Marcy.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Jun 24, 2013

Post 3:Reconvention!

Marcy, Maria, KrysteyBelle, and Dianne were here. We talked about editorial revisions and inquiries for film rights. Squee!!


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Jun 20, 2013

Post 3: Reconvention

Just me--I went a little overtime! Good thing I didn't miss anyone.

Post 2: We are UNPLUGGED!

We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 10 am EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage begins 9 am eastern

What will you be working on? Let us know in the comments.

Jun 17, 2013

Post 3:Reconvention!

Kystalyn, Maria, Jennifer, and Dianne were here tonight. We chatted about our progress with various projects.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

(It's thunderstorming here. If I don't return for chat, our power is out!)

Jun 13, 2013

Post 3: Reconvention.

Maria, Dianne and Krystalyn brainstormed plot points, and talked about editing.

Post 2: We are UNPLUGGED!

We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 10 am EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage begins 9 am eastern.

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments.

Jun 10, 2013

Post 3: Reconvention!

KrysteyBelle, Maria, Marcy, and Dianne were here. We talked about our various projects and our filing systems.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

There's a slim chance I won't be home in time for the check-in, by the way, but I'll definitely be here writing during the Unplug and afterward for the chat ~ Dianne

Jun 6, 2013

Post 3: Reconvention!

Just me today. I'll be here again next week.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 10 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage begins 9 am eastern.

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments.

Jun 3, 2013

Post 3:Reconvention!

Marcy, Maria, KrysteyBelle, and Dianne were present.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Summer announcement!

I'm off on a trip far far away and when I return I am moving from an old beloved house to a new spectacular house, this emotional event is taking up most of my time and then I am very honored to be teaching at the Loft, Minneapolis' finest writing institution, but Dianne will be here on Monday @ 8 pm regularly, and perhaps Maria will provide some Thursday @ 9 am and I will try to be around and announce via twitter.

Thursdays: THTH - 11 am (maybe?)
Here's the schedule.
June 3rd Amy
June 10th Tina
June 17th Maria
Critchat: June 27th
July 8 Amy
July 15th Tina
July 22nd Maria
Critchat: August 1
August 5th Amy
August 12th Tina
August 19th Maria
Critchat: August 29th
After that we will renegotiate...

May 27, 2013

Post 3:Reconvention!

Maria and I were present. We talked about revisions and a quote from Neil Gaiman about readers being right at pinpointing what doesn't work in your story, but only the writer knows how to fix it. “Remember: when people tell you something’s wrong or doesn’t work for them, they are almost always right. When they tell you exactly what they think is wrong and how to fix it, they are almost always wrong.” – Neil Gaiman


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

May 26, 2013

Schedule for the week of Sunday, May 26th

Let me know if we should schedule a TPR writing date during the week. Or, just email to tell me what is up.

Monday, May 27th - Memorial Day
Dianne 8pm

Tuesday, May 28th
Marisa - ?

Wednesday, May 29th
Marisa - ?

Thursday, May 30th
THTH - 11 am (email with questions)

May 21, 2013

Schedule for the Week of Sunday, May 20th

Hello! So sorry for my late posting!

Let me know if we should schedule a TPR writing date during the week. Or, just email to tell me what is up.

Monday, May 20th
Dianne 8pm

Tuesday, May 21st
Marisa - ?

Wednesday, May 22nd
Marisa - ?

Thursday, May 23rd
THTH - 11 am (email with questions)

May 20, 2013

Post 3:Reconvention!

Krystalyn, Marcy, and Dianne were present. We talked about Marcy's new deal, Krystalyn's potential deal, and a mystery in Krystalyn's family tree.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Note: I won't be here for check-in. Gabbey has an orchestra concert. But will be back by the 9pm chat. See you then!

May 16, 2013

Post 3: Reconvention

Met up with Jon, and Tina, and we talked about the wonderful morning pages, inanimate objects as characters, and amazing authors, such as Sharon Creech, A.S. King, Lois Lowry, etc.

Post 2: Unplugged!

Get writing! Meet you back at Post 3 at 12pm EST

Post 1: Unpluggage begins at 11am EST

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

May 15, 2013

Post 3: Reconvention

Great chat with Maria and Amy - we talked about character, and writing to find them, and also the Pizza Test link was shared -

Post 2: Unplugged!

We are writing! Meet you at Post 3 at 12pm EST for a reconvention chat!

Post 1: Unplug at 11am EST

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

May 14, 2013

Post 3: Reconvention

Great chat with great friends - Amy, Tina, Krystalyn, and Marisa were here!

Post 2: Unplugged

We are (hopefully) all writing! Meet you at Post 3 at 12pm ES for a reconvention chat!

Post 1: Unpluggage begins 11 am EST

Sorry if I confused anyone by originally posting an unplug at 10am EST - It's been so long since I set up an unplug, I posted it in Central time! oops!

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

May 13, 2013

Post 3:Reconvention!

Marcy, KrysteyBelle, Maria, Marisa, and Dianne were here. We mostly caught up with Marisa, whom we hadn't "seen" in awhile.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Schedule for the Week of Sunday, May 12th

Hello! Everything is good, but same old/same old. Busy. Household stuff is a struggle. Were buying a new house, getting an old one ready to rent. All that jazz. When I have had time to write, it has been dreamy!

Let me know if we should schedule a TPR writing date sometime. Or, just email to tell me what is up.

Monday, May 13th
Dianne 8pm

Tuesday, May 14th

Wednesday, May 15th

Thursday, May 16th
TH-TH is at 11 est. Email if you have questions.

May 7, 2013

Schedule for this week: May 7th or so.

So sorry about the delayed posting! I am moving! Therefor real life is filled with sorting, packing, financial ministrations, cleaning things that haven't been cleaned for 13 years. It's a painful, sad, exciting experience. The writing is good, but TPR is suffering.

Let me know if we should schedule a TPR writing date during the week. Or, just email to tell me what is up.

Monday, May 7th
Dianne 8pm

Tuesday, May 8th

Wednesday, May 9th

Thursday, May 10th
TH-TH is at 11 est. Email with questions.

May 6, 2013

Post 3:Reconvention!

Krystalyn, Marcy, Maria, and Dianne were present. We talked about reviews -- and approaching bloggers for review -- and revisions.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Apr 29, 2013

Post 3:Reconvention!

Krystalyn, Maria,and Dianne were present. We talked about our progress tonight, querying, reviews, and Goodreads.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Apr 28, 2013

Schedule for the Week of Sunday, April 29th

Hello! Let me know if we should schedule a TPR writing date during the week. Or just email to tell me what is up.

Monday, April 29th
Dianne 8pm

Tuesday, April 30th

Wednesday, May 1

Thursday, May 2
TH-TH is at 11 est. Email with questions. We may try to unplug after.

Apr 22, 2013

Post 3:Reconvention!

Christine, Marcy, Maria, Krystalyn, and Dianne were present. We talked about revisions, marketing, and what we got done tonight. Plus dogs.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Apr 21, 2013

Schedule for the Week of Sunday, April 21st

Hello! Let me know if we should schedule a writing date during the week. Or just email to tell me what is up.

Monday, April 22nd
Dianne 8pm

Tuesday, April 23rd

Wednesday, April 24th
TH-TH is at 1:30ish est. Email with questions. We try to unplug after but often it is too late and everyone has been overwhelmed with work and life of late.

Thursday, April 25th

Apr 15, 2013

Post 3:Reconvention!

Krystalyn, Mary, and Dianne were here. We shared what we had managed to get done, in light of today's horrific events that left us too demoralized to focus. We talked about revisions, and about Scrivener vs. Word vs. Open Office.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Apr 14, 2013

Schedule for the Week of Sunday, April 13th

Hello! Let me know if we should schedule a writing date during the day. Or, just email to let me know what is up. Here's my update: The writing has been good, but I am scrambling to get to it between the kids stuff, teaching and my household responsibilities. I am struggling with my priorities. Are they straight? Am I prioritizing my writing enough? Despite the lack of outward reinforcements for writing, it has felt very rewarding internally lately. I have been sending out a word prompt email to my students and regardless if it has been working for them, it has been working real well for me!

Monday, April 15th
Dianne 8pm

Tuesday, April 16th

Wednesday, April 17th
TH-TH is at 1:30ish est. Email with questions. We try to unplug after but often it is too late and everyone has been overwhelmed with work and life of late.

Thursday, April 18th

Apr 8, 2013

Post 3:Reconvention!

We had KrysteyBelle, Maria, Christine, Jennifer, Marcy, and Dianne tonight. We talked about book releases, promotions, reading books in our genre/theme to take note of technique, plotting and pantstering, and lots of other stuff!


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Apr 7, 2013

Schedule for the Week of Sunday, April 7th 2013

Let me know if you want to schedule a writing date! I have various times Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. Email tina dot laurel at gmail dot com.

Monday, April 8th
Dianne 8pm

Tuesday, April 9th

Wednesday, April 10th
TH-TH is at 1:30ish est. Email with questions. We try to unplug after but often it is too late and everyone has been overwhelmed with work and life of late.

Thursday, April 11th

Apr 3, 2013

Schedule: week of April 1st

Sorry for my tardy posting - out of town without wifi. Home now.

Let me know if you want to schedule a writing date! I have various times Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. Email tina dot laurel at gmail dot com.

Monday, April 1st 
Dianne 8pm

Tuesday, April 2nd

Wednesday, April 3rd
TH-TH Break for spring break

Thursday, April 4

Apr 1, 2013

Post 3:Reconvention!

Maria, KrysteyBelle, Mary, and Dianne were present. We talked about titles, reviews, revisions, queries, and other good writing stuff!


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Mar 25, 2013

Post 3:Reconvention!

Jennifer, Marcy, Maria, KrysteyBelle, and Dianne were present. We talked about shrunken manuscripts, pitch fests, 5 book arcs, and set up some beta swaps.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Schedule for the Week of Sunday March 24th

Let me know if you want to schedule a writing date! I have various times Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. Email tina dot laurel at gmail dot com. Make an appointment? Email and let me know if you want to write.

Monday, March 25th First seder of Passover, also grandma's b-day!
Dianne 8pm

Tuesday, March 26th Second seder of Passover

Wednesday, March 27th
TH-TH on Wednesdays now. 1:30EST or so (getting used to my new cleaning schedule). I will see if there is time for an unplug after and declare.

Thursday, March 28th

Mar 17, 2013

Schedule for the Week of March 17th - Happy St. Patrick's Day

Let me know if you want to schedule a writing date! I have various times Monday, Tuesday, Thursday during the day. Evening times are hard. Email tina dot laurel at gmail dot com.

Monday, March 18th
Dianne has conferences. No TPR

Tuesday, March 19th
Make an appointment?

Wednesday, March 20th
TH-TH on Wednesdays now. 1:30EST or so (getting used to my new cleaning schedule). I will see if there is time for an unplug after and declare.

Thursday, March 21st
Make an appointment?

Mar 11, 2013

Post 3:Reconvention!

Marcy, Maria, KrysteyBelle, Mary, Jenn, and Dianne were here. We talked about our current projects, the pitch contest at Write On Con, launches, and Scrivener.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Mar 10, 2013

Schedule for the week of Sunday March 10th

Let me know if any day times work for you! I will be sure to fit them in.

Monday, March 11th
Dianne 8 pm est

Tuesday, March 12th

Wednesday, March 13th
TH-TH on Wednesdays now. 1:30EST or so (getting used to my new cleaning schedule). I will see if there is time for an unplug after and declare.

Thursday, March 14th

Mar 4, 2013

Post 3:Reconvention!

We had lots of participants tonight. KB and Marcy and Maria and Dianne are working on revisions. Mary and Jenn are working on new drafts.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Schedule for the Week of Sunday March 3rd

So things for me around here have been so quiet. Dianne's Monday night unplugs are going strong. She regularly has new people, and often has a full gang. Also our little critique group called Th-Th is going strong, meeting regularly and cranking out the revisions and new words. But my unplugs have fallen on lean times. Lean as far as frequency and lean as far as attendance. So this is yet another week that I am not scheduling any. I am getting over an illness and I like to be able to keep my time fluid. Let me know if you have thoughts and suggestions for all this. Anyone out there listening, I would love your help. This place was created to help me and to help you, what would be of service in your writing, practicing life?

Here's the schedule:

Monday, March 4th
Dianne 8 pm est 

Tuesday, March 5th

Wednesday, March 6th
TH-TH on Wednesdays now. 1:30EST or so (getting used to my new cleaning schedule). I will see if there is time for an unplug after and declare.

Thursday, March 7th

Feb 24, 2013

Schedule for the Week of Sunday, February 24th

My family has been sick, sick, sick.

Monday, February 25th
Dianne 8 pm est

Tuesday, February 26th

Wednesday, February 27th
TH-TH on Wednesdays now. 1:30EST or so (getting used to my new cleaning schedule). I will see if there is time for an unplug after and declare.

Thursday, February 28th

Feb 18, 2013

Post 3: Reconvention!

KrysteyBelle, Maria, Marcy, and Dianne were here tonight. We talked about what we accomplished tonight, pitch contests on Write On Con, and whether or not adult POV is allowed in MG fiction.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Happy President's Day

I think Dianne is on tonight. Th-Th is on Wednesday and other than that we are up in the air!

Feb 11, 2013

Post 3:Reconvention!

KrysteyBelle, Maria, Serena, and Dianne were present. We tried to brainstorm some solutions to KB's revision problems for draft 2.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Schedule for a slim week - Sunday Feb 10th

Monday, February 11th
I have a big volunteer commitment today. No time for the unplug. :(
Dianne 8 pm est

Tuesday, February 12th

Wednesday, February 13th
TH-TH on Wednesdays now. 1:30ish EST. I will see if there is time for an unplug after and declare.

Thursday, February 14th

Feb 4, 2013

Post 3:Reconvention!

Marcy, Maria, KrysteyBelle, Jen, Serena, and Dianne were present. We talked about our word count for today, KB's book release, and the short film based on Dianne's book.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Feb 3, 2013

Schedule for the Week of Sunday, February 3rd

Monday, February 4th
I have a big volunteer commitment today. No time for the unplug. :(
Dianne 8 pm est

Tuesday, February 5th

Wednesday, February 6th
TH-TH moved. 1:30ish. I will see if there is time for an unplug after and declare.

Thursday, February 7th
1 pm est (I may revise based on life and yoga schedule, or yours, if something else works better for you. Let me know)

Jan 31, 2013

Unplug at 1 pm est

Is anybody out there? Let me know if you want to unplug with me by 1 pm est. Then let's write our hearts out! If everyones busy, I will go it alone. :)

Jan 28, 2013

Post 3:Reconvention!

Krystalyn, Marcy, Serena, and Dianne were present. We talked about Krystalyn's new book release, Marcy's request for a full, Serena's first draft, and Dianne's surprise new chapter.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Post 3: Reconvention!

KB. Funky first day out blues. Check out Legasea:

Unplug at 1 pm est

Anybody out there? The unplug hour runs from 1 pm est until 2 pm. There will be a chat if someone else signs up before I log off and get writing! So let me know...

Jan 27, 2013

Schedule for the Week of Sunday January 27th

Monday, January 28th
1 pm est
Dianne 8 pm est

Tuesday, January 29th

Wednesday, January 30th

Thursday, January 31th
TH-TH moved back to it's proper day: Noon. Email with ques.
Unplug at 1 pm est

Jan 21, 2013

Post 3:Reconvention!

Marcy, KrysteyBelle, and Dianne were present. We talked about our current projects, and we might have discussed Alan Rickman movies.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Jan 20, 2013

Schedule for the Week of Sunday January 20th, 2013

Monday, January 21st MLK day: I hope to be playing instead of working... (is it the same thing?)
Dianne 8 pm est

Tuesday, January 22nd

Wednesday, January 23rd

Thursday, January 24th
TH-TH moved back to it's proper day: Noon. Email with ques.
Unplug at 1 pm est

Jan 17, 2013

Post 3: Reconvention!

Jennifer and her new writing project. She wrote and I dealt with the people. Amy stopped by for a quick chat.

Unplug at 1 pm est

What will you be working on?

Jan 14, 2013

Post 3:Reconvention!

Tonight we had Maria, Mary, Christine, KrysteyBelle, and Dianne. Not everyone had a chance to write before chat, because of family, but many were going to write after chat. Krystey and I are drafting new works, and Maria is brainstorming for a contest. Mary and Christine were editing.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Post 3: Reconvention!

Maria and I _ much mooping by me.


The hour goes from 1 pm until 2. Meet at post 3 for the chat.

Post 1: Unplug at 1 pm est

What will you be working on? Let us know in comments.

Jan 13, 2013

Schedule for the Week of Sunday, January 13

I've been forgetful around here at TPR. Last Thursday I forgot the unplug. Apparently I didn't need it. I was home writing the whole time. Hope no one else was counting on it

Monday, January 14
1 pm est
Dianne 8 pm est

Tuesday, January 15th

Wednesday, January 16th

Thursday, January 17th
TH-TH moved back to it's proper day: Noon. Unplug at 1 pm est

Jan 7, 2013

Post 3:Reconvention!

KrysteyBelle, Serena, Maria, and Dianne were present. We talked about how much we did or did not get done over the holidays, forced breaks or planned breaks, and jumping back in to a routine.


We are unplugged! We'll meet back at 9 pm EST in post 3 for a reconvention chat. If no one is there, the chat will be canceled.

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 8 pm eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments!

Post 3: Reconvention!

KB, Maria, Amy and myself. All in a moop mood. Off to yoga. Life must go on!


The hour is from 1 - 2 pm est. Meet back at post 3 for the chat.

Post 1: Unplug at 1 pm est

What will you be working on? Let us know in comments.

Jan 2, 2013


Forgot to let you know what was up around here! I've been gone, but everything will be back to regular normal by next week. Hope you are starting off the year right, with writing! 

Monday, January 7
TH-TH at noon. Unplug at 1 pm est
Dianne 8 pm est

Tuesday, January 8th

Wednesday, January 9th

Thursday, January 10th
1 pm est