Need structure? Want to find camaraderie? Tired of writing in solitude? Join our virtual office space. At TPR someone is always in the cubicle next to you.

Here's how the practice room works:


At the given date and time (weekly schedule posted below), meet at post 1. It appears 30 minutes in advance of the hour (barring unusual circumstances), giving us a chance to set our goals in the comments. Declare your goal. Work toward furthering your project; word counting, revision, or whatever it needs - you decide.

Post 2: WE ARE UNPLUGGED! announces our hour. During that time, we write! The rules: no procrastinations. Please feel free to make tea or stand on your head as needed.

When the time is up, Post 3 appears with a chat box and we will get a chance to converse, or you can comment old-style to tell us what you got done! We are dying to know!

Read about a typical first time here. I make the schedule every Sunday. It will remain up in the side bar until I post the next week's schedule (feel free to make requests for particular times in the comments - I take them into serious consideration). All additions will be noted in in the side bar. Come back and check it often. (The schedule times are listed in Eastern Time Zone but the blog posts in Central - Tina's time zone. Our visitors are from all over the map.)

Please email me with questions, comments, or just to introduce yourself! tina dot laurel at gmail dot com

Don't forget to sign the guestbook at the bottom of the page!

Apr 29, 2010

Post 1: Unpluggage Begins 11 PM eastern

What will you be working on? Tell us in the comments.


  1. hello, hello!

    My goal is to finish my chapter. I only have about a page left, so its definitely do-able. Then, if I'm really on the ball, I'll begin the next, which I've already roughly (really really roughly) sketched out.

  2. Hello! Cool, Marisa. I wonder what you are doing right now, as we wait for the hour to strike!

    I am going to capture this feeling I'm going for in the next piece of my manuscript. I am describing this place and want to set it up as other worldly. And I'm going to stay awake!!

  3. How do you work to capture the feeling you want, Tina? That is something I struggle with. That and descriptions... I'm terrible at describing anything (and usually leave them out, which is no good)

    I've been working on my chapter for the last hour, but I've also been really distracted with blog reading and facebook commenting. I need to FOCUS

  4. Hello! I will be writing two emails to the inkwell admins and figuring out how I can live as my MC, as H has instructed I do.

  5. Ooooh, Jon, that sounds like a challenge. Good luck figuring out how to live as your MC. I've never tried that.

  6. Yes, I don't know Marisa! When I got it I got it and when I don't I don't. That's what I have to say to you to J. How do you live as your own main character?? But it is a feeling and I will probably spend a long time trying to capture one paragraph. I will let you know when I am done!

  7. Kelly, that sounds like a great idea, just don't get too emo!

    Marisa, the characters is Justin, btw.

  8. Kelly, I loove Angela's blog. Its brilliant! Her setting thesaurus has saved my bum so many times when I've written an entire scene only to realize it is nothing but dialogue, with zero description!

  9. Well, it does help, T, that both my MC's are parts of me.

  10. Yay, Kelly, cry away, just be prepared to come back and tell us about it!!

  11. Also, music is big for me during these sessions. I am going to an old fave: Third Eye Blind.

  12. haha, I was just going to ask you if your character is at all a part of you, Jon. But you beat me to it.

  13. Haha, Marisa. Can you tell from my writing that they are?

  14. Well, you had said something before about writing from life, but making it better... I can't completely remember (my poor retention is embarrassing)... so I wondered.

  15. YES, that's right. Thanks for reminding me... I hate forgetting stuff.

    Okay, I'm off and running. See you at the finish line... er... in an hour.

    Haha, I'm such a dork

  16. You guys need a chat room right now!

    A minute from lift off! See you all when our time is up!!

  17. I'm here. We'll see if I get something done. Maybe some blog stuff. Maybe some writing... Maybe I'll fall asleep!
